Want to improve a quality of product which has already been sold in US
- Request
Skincare method in East Asia is popular, so we are consigning production of many skincare products with the OEM manufacturer in East Asia. However, we had a lot of troubles with those items, because the quality was different every time the products are delivered, such as a big fluctuation of texture or appearance. We paid for the products, but sometimes we could not release those products in the market. We want to change a factory and re-produce all of those products. Since many customers have already used those products, we request to re-develop all products, with a similar texture and fragrance.
- Solution
Based on the customer’s existing products, we re-developed various formulas one-by-one, such as cleanser, serum, cream, etc. The customer’s request was that “DO NOT CHANGE” the texture and fragrance of products. To add on the customer’s request, we suggested containing several active ingredients. We continued to re-develop and to improve for a few times, and adjusted the texture and dose of fragrance. Finally, we could develop the formula which the customer was satisfied.
The customer did renewal of product packaging, and released as a new product.
We received repeated order for several times, the customer is satisfied that we deliver a same high quality product every time.